
July Goals Recap

I know it is already over half way into August but it's still good to reflect on my goals that I achieved last month...

Send to 4 of my Blogger Blanket partners - I actually sent to 5, woot!! That way I wasn't late in sending during the week I was in Florida.

Finish reading The Withes of Eastwick and the new book club book - I finished Witches and if you read my review, you know I hated it!! I never even got to start the new book club book. It is a brand new book and there were over 50 holds on it the entire month at my library (which includes all the surrounding libraries). Since it is brand new and only in hardcover it was too much money for my broke ass. I kind of hate buying books now if I can't get them uber cheap on half.com or Amazon. I did pick up another book at the library though that I just about finished.

Make something for Jessie's Birthday - I made this sweet spoon necklace.

Save more $$ for Florida - I was able to save my goal amount for the whole trip which I'm pretty proud of!!

Figure out what we're doing about Florida (getting there, do while we're there, etc.) - We figured it all out and had an AMAZING vacation, I will be doing a whole separate post just for it!

July was pretty freaking productive in my book!


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