Let me preface with the fact that my mom, sister and I all work together. I had made Jessie these little amis for her desk for Christmas last year. So apparently my mom wanted one too. The thing is, my mom isn't "into" little woodland creatures like Jessie is...
She does however love dragons. My mom has dragon paraphernalia all over her house, some shirts, even a tattoo. It was pretty obvious that I should make her one. I scoured the interent, etsy, ravelry, craftster, etc. looking for a dragon pattern to buy. None of the ones I found really struck my fancy. There was one that was adorable but all the reviews I read of the pattern said it was difficult to make sense of the directions and most people said they had to make a lot of the pieces more than once. Seeing as I am a self proclaimed "procraftinator" I only had a few days to make this guy. After getting discouraged that I wouldn't find a pattern I liked or one that wouldn't take forever, I decided I would try and wing my own. Not entirely though, I basically pieced together a few patterns I already had. I used and altered the body, ears and tail of the fox pattern I made Jessie, I used the wing pattern from this bat and then figured out how to make spikes on my own. I also figured out how to make a cube style pattern for the snout. I am insanely pleased with how this little dude turned out and that I was able to alter some patterns to work for me and figured out other parts on my own. My mom really loves him and her baby dragon now has a home on her desk at work!
Here's a front shot of him.

Here are a side and back shot so you can see his spikes and tail.

I wanted to show you a pic of me holding him to get a good size reference.

Have a crafty kinda day kids!
oh that's just so cute! i have to get back into doing ami again!
He's adorable!
Aww thank you ladies, he is even cuter in person!
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